Kay Fairweather (UK)

Kay Fairweather (UK)

I was once told by someone I loved that I had the most beautiful feet he had ever seen…

Today the RAD magazine Dance Gazette arrived, and as I glanced through it a photo of a pair of beautiful feet on pointe stopped me in my tracks… so like photos I have of my feet when I was 18. All my teaching life other teachers would comment about my lovely feet when I attended teaching courses.

Kay Fairweather in the pool during aqua aerobics

Kay Fairweather in her local pool.

Today I felt so miserable when I looked at the picture, for now, those beautiful feet are crippled. I don’t even know why. After many tests the specialists cannot find the answer – I can no longer stretch my toes or stand on demi-pointe, and I felt sad.

The car crash I was in just before my 21st birthday ruptured my spleen and caused long term damage to the rest of my body, but so many others have to face losing limbs. And today’s young athletes, including dancers, have had to overcome so much more. They have such huge courage and I admire them so much. I am grateful for the years I have been able to dance and teach, and had beautiful feet and legs. I am able to face the pain and whatever the rest of my life brings me.

I am now 78 years old and have difficulty walking without support. Recently I found that even without my beautiful feet I have found a way to dance again, for near to my home an Aqua Aerobics class began in a beautiful new complex looking towards the mountains. Next to dancing, being in a pool was my next greatest love. I joined the class and now this ‘Silver Swan’ has returned to dance again. For as long as I am in the water I can jump and stretch and dance to music.

Read more from RAD Voices.