Studiare danza RAD | Apply to study dance

Apply to study dance

Before applying



Official bodies

Students’ union

Data collection

How to apply


Application pack and information

Concessionary Entry

Academic Transfers

Full-time undergraduate and postgraduate Programmes

Full-time Undergraduate Programmes
We are accepting applications for our full-time BA (Hons) Ballet Education and BA (Hons) Dance Education programmes for September 202
For full-time higher education undergraduate programmes, please apply online through UCAS.
UCAS applicants will need to provide:The institution name for the Royal Academy of Dance which is RAD
The institution code for the Royal Academy of Dance which is R55
The course code for your chosen programme:BA (Hons) Ballet Education: W540
BA (Hons) Dance Education: W541
Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education: W590
Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education: W591


Clearing 2024

Part-time, distance learning, and RAD Award Programmes

ProgrammeApply byApply via
Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance31 January 2025Registry
MA in Education (Dance Teaching)30 April 2025Registry
BA (Hons) Dance Education (part time)30 April 2025Registry
Diploma of Higher Education Dance Education (part time)30 April 2025Registry
Diploma in Dance Teaching StudiesNot running in 2025/26Registry
Certificate in Dance Teaching (Ballet) – UK students*1 August 2025Registry
Certificate in Dance Teaching (Ballet) -International students*1 August 2025RAD National Office
Professional Dancers’ Graduate Teaching Diploma (UK & Australia)1 November 2024Registry (UK)


Additional application evidence

Vetting and barring scheme and criminal records

Accreditation of prior learning

International student application

Applicants whose first language is not English

After applying

Selection and offers

Selection criteria


Contextualised admissions

What are contextualised admissions?

Contextualised admissions is the process through which the Faculty of Education assesses your prior attainment and potential to succeed in higher education in the context of the circumstances in which your attainment has been obtained. Contextual data includes educational, geo-demographic and socio-economic background data.  Contextual information includes self-declared information which you provide, such as current or previous caring responsibilities, or family/lifestyle circumstances. To find out more information on contextualised admissions, download the guidance document here.

Auditions and interviews

If you wish to raise a Grievance or Complaint on any aspect of your application, you should do so by using the Student Grievance and Complaints Policy and Procedures.

Practical teaching placements

On programme

Student Support


On-Site Programmes

Distance Learning Programmes

Accommodation for full-time students


Re-sitting assessments

Other links you may find useful

Learn more about financing your studies