RAD Australia conference 2024 – call for contributions

RAD Australia is pleased to announce its fifth conference, Dancing into the future: practices, insights and innovations taking place from 19 – 21 January 2024. The conference aims to bring together dance teachers, scholars, researchers, practitioners, and innovators to investigate best practice in dance teaching. It will explore both historical and contemporary approaches and a reorientation to teaching models and methods at the forefront of dance pedagogy.

The conference will also consider the relevance of heritage and lineage by exploring the dance teaching influencers of the past to better understand heredity and attitudes that have carried forward. In creating a vision for the future, Dancing into the future: practices, insights and innovations will explore the evolution of dance training and education influenced by contemporary society, through the notion that dance benefits every body.

We are seeking contributions in the form of lectures, panel and roundtable discussions, practical demonstrations and workshops to address the conference themes including (but not limited to):

  • dance teaching models that explore teaching styles and strategies to support teaching and learning all in dance education contexts and as applied across multiple dance styles and genres,
  • research studies into the development of dance technique, teaching for creativity and artistry, as well as and physical and mental wellbeing, and
  • research studies and models with a focus on cultural identity, celebrating diversity and dance education models that make learning and experiencing dance accessible and equitable.

Download full details on how to make a submission.