24 August 2021 11:27

The physical and mental health benefits of movement and dance

A new report, The Social Value of Movement and Dance to the UK, published by the Sport and Recreation Alliance, demonstrates the impact that movement and dance has in helping to create a healthier and happier nation.

Among the areas explored are the increasingly well-acknowledged mental and physical benefits of movement and dance for individuals, along with the perhaps more surprising positive effects it can have for tackling anti-social behaviour and building social capital in communities.

The Alliance believes that significant additional strategic support is required to achieve the changes in perceptions and understanding of movement and dance to more fully realise their potential value. They are also suggesting that more research is needed across a broader demographic to produce a more representative report.

As a Sport and Recreation Alliance member, the RAD contributed to the making of the video (below) and supports the outcome of the report, particularly on why dance is so much more than an art form.

Download the report