Fellowship awarded to two Canadian examiners
We are thrilled to announce that Canadian Examiners and RAD Life Members, Yvonne Oldaker and Anuschka Roes, have been unanimously awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Dance (FRAD) by the Board of Trustees.
The Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Dance is granted in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the art of dance or exceptionally meritorious service to the Academy.
Through their passion and dedication to the art form over the many decades as dancers, educators, examiners and RAD members, Yvonne and Anuschka have influenced literally thousands of lives and significantly contributed to the fabric of the Royal Academy of Dance in Canada and around the world!
“Both these individuals have devoted their lives to dance and advancing the aims of the Royal Academy of Dance,” says National Director Clarke MacIntosh, “this well-deserved recognition has been given to two very exceptional women!”
Yvonne and Anuschka now join the company of only four other Canadian members to have been given the honour –
Lynnette Kelley, Sonia Chamberlain, Gweneth Lloyd, and Bettina Byers. paragraph here…