RAD teacher membership

RAD Teacher application

RAD Membership RAD Teacher application

If your circumstances have changed, but you still want to stay connected as a teaching member, our new RAD Teacher category could be more suitable for you.

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Information

First name*
Last name*
Date of birth*

Membership History

Have you previously held RAD membership?*

RAD Teaching Qualifications

Reduced Rate

If you’re applying for the reduced rate we’ll need proof that you’re in full-time education, currently not working, on maternity/paternity/adoption leave or retired. Examples of evidence:

  • proof of full-time education such as a student card with expiry date or letter from college/university
  • doctor’s letter
  • letter from social security office

The evidence should be dated where possible.

This list is not conclusive, please provide anything that shows your current circumstances.


The Royal Academy of Dance is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
Tick this box to acknowledge reading our Privacy Notice*
Tick this box to confirm your RAD Teacher application*
By completing this form you agree to adhere to and are bound by the RAD’s RAD Code of Conduct, Code of Professional Practice and Supplemental Charter and Bye-Laws.

All teachers registered with the RAD are required to participate in the CPD Scheme

By completing this form you agree to the Membership Terms and Conditions.