Event Category: CPD
Youth mental health first aid CPD workshops
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This Youth Mental Health First Aid course equips adults who teach, care for and support young people, with the skills and confidence needed to recognise and respond to a young person experiencing a mental health problem or crisis. Aim The aims…
Syllabus strategies: Focus on Advanced Foundation CPD course
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: A one-day practical course in which participants will gain an understanding of how to teach the Advanced Foundation (male and female) syllabus. Learning activities will focus on the understanding of appropriate development exercises to encourage an accurate interpretation of the criteria…
Nutrition for recovery and success CPD interactive webinar
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This 1-hour interactive webinar is designed to support teachers with their knowledge and understanding of post-training nutrition requirements for optimum recovery. Aim The aims of this webinar are to Learning Outcomes On completion of this webinar, you will: Format Interactive webinar…
Intermediate Foundation: Focus on variations CPD course
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: In this practical course, split over two mornings, participating teachers will gain a detailed understanding of the steps and movements of each of the Variations at Intermediate Foundation level. Learning activities will focus on the development of correct technique through the…
Silver Swans® Workshop (hybrid)
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This one-day workshop introduces experienced ballet teachers to Silver Swans®, with a focus on safe and inclusive practice for adults and strategies to maximise their experience. Aim The aim of this workshop is to provide practical experience of effective ballet teaching…
Seated Swans: Chair based dance (hybrid)
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This half-day practical workshop will introduce the RAD’s Seated Swans resources. The resources have been created to give Silver Swans Licensees examples of appropriate exercises which can be adapted and made relevant for Licensee’s individual learners. This workshop will give Licensee’s…
Schutz von Kindern und vulnerablen Personen
Anmeldeschluss Datum Zeit Ort Online Zielgruppe Gebühr Kontakt This event is offered in German only. Webinar mit Sabine Bresche, Sozialpädagogin, Deutscher Kinderschutzbund LV Berlin e.V. Diese Fortbildung richtet sich an Lehrkräfte in privat geführten Schulen für künstlerischen Tanz und Studierende der Tanzpädagogik (CBTS | CDT). Dieses interaktive Webinar führt Lehrkräfte und Studierende in die Grundlagen…
Grades 4 and 5: Focus on character livestream CPD course
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: A practical course in which participating teachers gain an understanding of the character content from Grades 4 and 5. Teachers will be provided with information to support the learning and performance of the three character dances from each Grade. The examination…
Silver Swans® livestream workshop
Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This workshop introduces experienced ballet teachers to Silver Swans, focusing on safe and inclusive practices for older learners and providing practical experience in effective ballet teaching strategies for adults of mixed abilities. Cut-off date for application: 5 February 2025 (a payment…
Grades 1 – 6 revision livestream courses
Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This event is offered in German. Diese halbtägigen praktischen Workshops ermöglichen Lehrkräften, ihr vorhandenes Wissen und Verständnis der Übungen des Lehrplans der Grades 1-6 zu überprüfen und vertiefen. Jedes Grade kann einzeln gebucht werden. Grade 1 Revision: 24/01/2025 Grade 2 Revision: 06/02/2025 Grade…