Event Category: CPD

  • Feedbackseminar zu den Winterprüfungen 

    Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: Feedbackseminar zu den AEC – Winterprüfungen Januar – Februar 2025 in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz mit Belinda Tanner. Das Seminar beinhaltet Feedback zu den Prüfungstouren der Prüferinnen: Das Seminar findet in Englischer Sprache statt. Angebot für Schulen: Schulen mit mehreren…

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  • Schutz von Kindern und vulnerablen Personen

    Anmeldeschluss Datum Zeit Ort Online Zielgruppe Gebühr Kontakt Webinar mit Sabine Bresche, Sozialpädagogin, Deutscher Kinderschutzbund LV Berlin e.V. Diese Fortbildung richtet sich an Lehrkräfte in privat geführten Schulen für künstlerischen Tanz und Studierende der Tanzpädagogik (CBTS | CDT). Dieses interaktive Webinar führt Lehrkräfte und Studierende in die Grundlagen des Schutzes von Kindern und vulnerablen Personen…

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  • Grades 1-3: Focus on character livestream CPD course

    Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: A practical course in which participating teachers will gain an understanding of the important elements of performance for each of the character dances in RAD Grades 1–3 syllabi. Learning activities will focus on the development of correct technique through the progression…

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  • Advanced 1 and Advanced 2: Focus on variations (female) livestream CPD course

    Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: During this practical course, participating teachers will gain a detailed understanding of the steps and movements of each of the Advanced 1 (Female) and Advanced 2 (Female) levels. Learning activities will focus on the development of correct technique through the progression…

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  • Grades 1 – 6 Revision / Wiederholung Onlineseminar

    Datum: Zeit: Ort: Webinar Geeignet für Gebühr: Contact: Diese Webinarreihe findet auf Deutsch statt. Diese halbtägigen praktischen Workshops ermöglichen Lehrkräften, ihr vorhandenes Wissen und Verständnis der Übungen des Lehrplans der Grades 1-6 zu überprüfen und vertiefen. Jedes Grade kann einzeln gebucht werden. Grade 1 Revision: 24/01/2025 Grade 2 Revision: 06/02/2025 Grade 3 Revision: 19/02/2025 Grade…

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  • Developing community in the dance class CPD interactive webinar

    Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This interactive webinar will focus on the development of community in a dance class. We will look at what we mean by the term “community”, the positive benefits of interactive, community-building methods of teaching, and consider how these methods can be implemented into…

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  • How to support a parent who dances CPD Webinar

    Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This friendly and informative webinar will give an overview of the main issues across the perinatal journey for dance professionals (and participants). Lucy McCrudden, Founder/CEO of Dance Mama, will summarise current best practice for the physical, mental, logistical and creative considerations across the perinatal…

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  • Advanced Foundation: Focus on Variations (Female) CPD Course

    Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: A half-day practical course in which participating teachers will gain a detailed understanding of the steps and movements of each of the Female variations at Advanced Foundation level. Learning activities will focus on the development of correct technique through the progression…

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  • Creative Approaches in Teaching Character Work: Russian, Ukrainian and Hungarian Styles (Grades 1-4) CPD Course

    Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This one day workshop explore the styles, techniques and movement vocabularies (steps) found in the Russian, Hungarian and Ukrainian character dances as presented in RAD syllabi. Through creating training exercises, choreographing free enchaînements, and discussing ideas with others, participants will gain…

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  • Flexibility for Dance: for varying ages and abilities CPD Course

    Booking Deadline: Event Date: Event Time: Location: Available Online? Who’s it for? Fee: Contact: This one day workshop will address safe and effective stretching / flexibility training for dancers of varying ages and abilities. Aims To develop teachers’ knowledge and understanding of flexibility in dance along with how to evaluate students and modify training according…

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