Students of Ballet Alvaro Goncalves after taking their ballet exam

After your exam

Dance exams After your exam

Attainment bands

Certificates, result forms, medals, and replacements


Medals and bars

Replacement Medals and Certificates

Exams customer feedback

Teacher Feedback survey

Result enquiries

Recognition and accreditation

England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Recognition outside the United Kingdom

Graded exams

Special consideration

Award decision

How UCAS points are allocated for RAD exams

ExamPassMeritHigh meritDistinctionHigh Distinction
Grade 6810121416
Grade 6 Solo performance award810121416
Grade 71214161820
Grade 7 Solo performance award1214161820
Grade 81618202224
Discovering Repertoire Level 3816202428
Advanced Foundation3033363942
Size band: 2
Grade bands: 8-10 (Grade 8), 6-8 (Grade 7), 4-6 (Grade 6), 3-11 (Intermediate), 4-12 (Advanced Foundation)

Points apply to: