Students of Ballet Alvaro Goncalves after taking their ballet exam

After your exam

RAD | Dance exams After your exam

Here you will find information on attainment bands, certificates, results enquiries, and everything you need to know after completing an RAD exam.

Attainment bands

Result classificationTotal marksMedal classification (graded exams only)
Standard not attained0 – 39n/a
Pass40 – 54Bronze
Merit55 – 64Silver
High Merit65 – 74Silver
Distinction75 – 84Gold
High Distinction85 – 100Gold
Not shownThe elements to be assessed were not shown
OccasionallyThe candidate showed an ability to achieve the required assessment criteria some of the time
GenerallyThe candidate showed an ability to achieve the required assessment criteria approximately half of the time
FrequentlyThe candidate showed an ability to achieve the required assessment criteria almost all of the time

If the attainment descriptor not shown is given in any section, then the class award will not be obtained.

The ‘marks’ given on results listings (within RAD Online Exams Entries) against class awards are actually indicators of the text that will appear on the assessment form. ‘1’ equates to ‘occasionally’, ‘2’ to ‘generally’, and ‘3’ to ‘frequently’, so for example, a mark of 2 against Technique for Primary in Dance class award would equate to ‘Generally demonstrated control and coordination’.

Certificates, result forms, medals, and replacements


Medals and bars

Replacement certificates

Certificates and result forms

Medals and bars

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • e.g. Primary in Dance, Grade 4, Advanced 1

Exams customer feedback

Teacher Feedback survey

Complaints, Result enquiries and Appeals

Recognition and accreditation

England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Recognition outside the United Kingdom

Graded exams

Special consideration

Award decision

How UCAS points are allocated for RAD exams

ExamPassMeritHigh meritDistinctionHigh Distinction
Grade 6810121416
Grade 6 Solo performance award810121416
Grade 71214161820
Grade 7 Solo performance award1214161820
Grade 81618202224
Discovering Repertoire Level 3816202428
Advanced Foundation3033363942
Size band: 2
Grade bands: 8-10 (Grade 8), 6-8 (Grade 7), 4-6 (Grade 6), 3-11 (Intermediate), 4-12 (Advanced Foundation)

Points apply to: