

RAD Safeguarding Requirements

What to expect from a dance school or teacher

Reporting concerns

Further safeguarding information

How to complete the RAD Australia Safeguarding Training Course

  1. Login to the Member’s Area below.
  2. From the menu at the top, select ‘Resources’
  3. Select ‘Australian Teacher Resourses’
  4. Click through to ‘RAD Australia Safeguarding in Dance’

Advice for RAD Teachers

RAD teaching members have access to a dedicated Safeguarding Hub in the Members’ Area, which outlines safeguarding requirements in accordance with best practice, as well as guidance on the principles of safeguarding and safer recruitment. We are committed to supporting and guiding teachers through their own commitment to keeping children safe whilst dancing. The Hub will be regularly updated with useful resources, training opportunities and advice on best practice.

Safeguarding resources for parents and students

The RAD is committed to safeguarding all our students, teachers and staff. We have a professional safeguarding team who are focused on supporting dance teachers teaching RAD ballet, and who are committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe while dancing.

If you’re not sure who to turn to over a safeguarding issue, or want just want more advice and information on keeping children and vulnerable adults safe while dancing, the following links and resources are a good place to start.

Useful Resources

  • Keeping Children Safe
  • UNICEF Child Safeguarding Toolkit PDF
  • UN Convention of the rights of the child
  • Office of the eSafety Commissioner Report online harm | eSafety Commissioner
  • Human Rights Commission – Child Safe Organisations National Principles National Principles | Child Safe Organisations (