

Safeguarding means:

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and to keep them safe. At the RAD, we are committed to safeguarding all our students, teachers and staff. It means:

  • protecting children and adults at risk from maltreatment,
  • preventing the impairment of children and at risk adults’ health or development,
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and
  • taking action to enable all children and at risk adults have the best outcomes.

We employ dance teachers at our headquarters and provide dance teacher training and a ballet syllabus to independent dance teachers worldwide. All dance teachers employed by the RAD are required to have a SCRC (Sexual Conviction Record Check) check. This is a way to determine whether someone has a criminal record and whether they are suitable for employment.

We have also developed resources and training opportunities for dance teachers teaching RAD ballet, and provide guidance on safeguarding best practice. Teaching members of the RAD are required to meet the following as a minimum of their professional membership:

  • Obtain a criminal record check at least every three years
  • Self-declare any criminal convictions to the RAD
  • Participate in annual safeguarding training as part of their CPD hours

Our safeguarding team are focused on supporting dance teachers teaching RAD ballet in their commitment to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe while dancing.

Reporting concerns – what do I do if I’m worried?

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. If you have a concern about a child, you should report it to the local authority child protection services or to the Police. Many people worry, “What if I am wrong?” but if we take a child-centred approach to safeguarding, we should all be asking, “What if I am right?” By raising a concern, you could be protecting not just one child, but future children.

Reporting a concern if your child attends a dance school teaching RAD ballet

Whether it’s a big or small worry, always tell someone who can help: