Safeguarding at the RAD NZ

Safeguarding at the RAD NZ

The RAD does not have the authority to investigate allegations of abuse or other safeguarding concerns. If a safeguarding concern is reported to us, we will report it to Oranga Tamariki or to the Police.

Reporting concerns – what do I do if I’m worried?

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. If you have a concern about a child, you should report it to Oranga Tamariki or to the Police. Many people worry, “What if I am wrong?” but if we take a child-centred approach to safeguarding, we should all be asking, “What if I am right?” By raising a concern, you could be protecting not just one child but future children:

Contact the police: they will assess the situation and take the appropriate action to protect the child

If a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 111

Advice for RAD Teachers

NZ Resources for parents and students

Useful international resources