Higher Education The RAD’s Faculty of Education is a winner at the Independent Higher Education Awards 2023

The RAD’s Faculty of Education is a winner at the Independent Higher Education Awards 2023

Award presented by Alex Proudfoot, Chief Executive of IHE and award sponsor Pearson Languages. Received by Janine Streuli, Dean of Faculty and Fiona Brooker, Head of Teacher Education, RAD.

The Faculty of Education are delighted to have been crowned winner of the award for Advancing International Education at the annual Independent Higher Education (IHE) Awards 2023 which celebrates innovation and excellent practice in independent providers.

The award was presented in recognition of our work to enhance the international student experience on our dance teacher training programmes developed and delivered in conjunction with our international partner network.

The Faculty of Education programmes aim to put international students at the heart of every aspect of the programme design and delivery, from initial application to teaching placement opportunities and graduate prospects.

In addition to establishing best practice and improving industry standards, our international programmes promote cultural exchange and opportunities for students to collaborate between country cohorts. We integrate industry practitioners into the curriculum and deliver knowledge exchange activities with sector and community partners, addressing local skills needs through the creation of work experience and civic engagement opportunities.

You can learn more about our dance education programmes in our new 2024/25 Prospectus.