People Category: Rambert Grades choreographer

  • Alesandra Seutin

    Rambert Grades Choreographer

    Alesandra Seutin is an International performer, choreographer, dramaturg and teacher. The daughter of South African and Belgian parents, Alesandra was…

  • Benoit Swan Pouffer

    Artistic Director of Rambert and Rambert Grades Invited Choreographer

    Benoit Swan Pouffer is the Artistic Director of Rambert and Rambert Grades Invited Choreographer, and an internationally renowned dance artist…

  • Hofesh Schecter OBE

    Hofesh Schecter OBE

    Rambert Grades Choreographer

    Choreographer Hofesh Shechter OBE is recognised as one of the most exciting artists making stage work today, renowned for composing…