CPD for RAD Registered Teachers

RAD Registered Teachers taking part in CPD activities will enable us to show that our teachers are at the forefront of dance education and training and that they have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills.

How many hours do I need to complete?

RAD teaching members must complete 20 hours of CPD between 1 September and 31 August every year.

The CPD requirement can be made up of a minimum of 10 hours of Time–Valued CPD and a maximum of 10 hours of Independent CPD. You can fulfil your CPD requirement by participating in both RAD CPD and external CPD (CPD offered by other organisations).

CPD requirement for Registered Teachers with a non-RAD qualification from an approved awarding society: Teachers who have joined as a RAD Registered Teacher with a non-RAD qualification from an approved awarding society need to complete 20 hours of RAD CPD within one year of gaining their Registered Teacher Status. For example, if you joined on 1 July 2024, you will need to complete 20 hours of RAD CPD by 30 June 2025.

Time-Valued CPD

What is Time-Valued CPD?

Time-Valued CPD activities are valued by the amount of time it takes to complete them and will normally take place in a formal learning environment. They include activities run by the RAD and by other organisations. Some examples of Time-Valued CPD include in-person practical workshops and training sessions and online or distance learning units, courses/workshops.

If you are enrolled on a recognised higher or further education programme of study, this can also form part of your CPD requirement.

Time-Valued CPD would usually have:

  • clearly stated aims and objectives,
  • demonstrable learning outcomes,
  • relevance to your dance teaching career, and
  • evidence of completion.

Independent CPD

What is Independent CPD?

Independent CPD is completed in a less formal setting than a workshop or a course. There is no definitive list of accepted Independent CPD courses simply because Independent CPD can and should include a diverse range of activities. To attempt to produce a list would be very limiting when our underlining ethos is one of recognising the day-to-day learning and development activities that teachers already do. You can claim up to two hours of Independent CPD per type of activity. The CPD department can provide guidance on the type of activities that can count as your Independent CPD.

This could include:

  • private study to learn new skills,
  • online research,
  • reading dance-related publications,
  • contributing to the local dance community through committees or charity work,
  • mentoring students,
  • watching performances,
  • planning or producing a show, and
  • class planning

For further advice, please contact cpd@rad.org.uk

Do I need to do both Time-Valued and Independent CPD?

All RAD teaching members must complete 20 hours of CPD. In order to reach this, you can complete:

  • a minimum of 10 hours of Time-Valued CPD, and
  • a maximum of 10 hours of Independent CPD.

RAD CPD is flexible so you can choose CPD that works best for you. In any CPD year, one teacher may complete 20 hours of Time-Valued CPD; another may do 16 hours of Time-Valued CPD and 4 hours of Independent; and another may do 10 hours of each. All of these options and other variations will count.

Internal and External CPD

What are Internal and External CPD?

Activities run by the RAD CPD department are called Internal CPD. If you do not wish to attend these, you can complete your requirement by participating in External CPD. These are CPD activities that are organised by another organisation.

What counts as External CPD?

It is up to you to decide whether an activity meets our External CPD criteria.

The activity must have:

  • clearly stated aims and objectives,
  • demonstrable learning outcomes,
  • relevance to your dance teaching career, and
  • evidence of completion.

Recording and declaring your CPD

Throughout the CPD year, you should keep a record of all the CPD you take part in. This can be done by keeping a folder of all relevant documents and certificates. You may be asked to provide this evidence if you are selected as part of the annual audit.

Find out more about CPD declarations.

Graduates from RAD Faculty of Education programmes

If you’ve recently graduated from a Faculty of Education programme this will count towards your CPD for the year in which your award is given. For example, if your award is given in November 2020, you will need to start your CPD hours from 1 September 2021, or if your award was given in May 2021, you will need to start your CPD from September 2021.

New and reinstating teachers

New teaching members and re-instating teaching members (after one year or more cancelled membership) only need to complete their CPD on a pro-rata basis. If you have joined or re-joined the RAD after July each year, you can download the spreadsheet below as a guide:

CPD Requirement for New and Reinstating Teachers