RAD | About the RAD Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

Here you can find more information about our policies, procedures, and regulations.

Codes of Conduct


Applicant Guidelines (Online Examinations)

Customer service

Exams moderation

Exams scheduling in AECs

Fees and payments

Filmed Exams

Issuing examination results, certificates and medals

Malpractice and maladministration

Reasonable adjustments and special considerations

Recognition and accreditation

The RAD is recognised to award qualifications on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), by SQA Accreditation, a part of the Scottish Qualifications Authority.

Role of Registered teacher in Exams

Result Appeals

Risk management

Special Exams

Faculty of Education

Academic Misconduct

Accreditation of prior learning

Admissions policy

Attendance Policy


Certificate Replacements

Code of Practice on the Assessment of Student Work

Criminal Records Checks

Disciplinary Offences

Extenuating circumstances

Fitness to practise policy and procedures

Fitness to study policy

General Regulations

Grievance and complaints policy and appeals policy

Panel Hearing Process

Reasonable adjustments

Reviews of outcomes of an academic appeal or a formal grievance

Student Support Policy and Procedures

Withdrawals & suspensions policy

Dance School

Code of conduct

Our Codes of Conduct ensure that everyone gets to experience dance in a fun, friendly and safe environment. Please make sure that you are familiar with it when applying for your course.

Changing room guidelines

Dance school privacy notice

Fire evacuation policy

Safeguarding policy

to be updated

Terms and conditions

All customers/students must adhere to our terms and conditions

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