Additional information

Find out additional information on our dance school in London. From term dates and timetables to faculty and uniforms, everything you need to know is listed below.

Term dates, timetables, fees and withdrawal deadlines

How to cancel or change a class


RAD Dance School Bursaries

We are happy to announce that our Dance School Bursary deadline has been extended to Monday 10 February 2025. Applications are now open.

Dance School Bursary selection criteria

Dance School Bursary Application process

RAD Dance School Exams

Watching Days


11 Nov 2024


Meet our Teachers

Dance School Faculty of Teachers

Frequently asked questions

Can I phone you to make an application?

No. At present we are only able to accept online. All the information you provide will be stored in accordance with our privacy notice.

Who should I list as the customer?

The customer is a parent/guardian if the student is under 18, or the student themselves if over 18. Whoever is listed as the customer will be sent all communication and invoices, so it is vital that contact details are correct.

I’ve applied and I’m on the waiting list. When will I know if I have a space in a class next term?

If you are on the waiting list for Grades 6-8, all Vocational classes, Boys’ Ballet, Discovering Repertoire and Pointe classes, we will be in touch to invite you to a trial class once a space becomes available. Trials take place throughout the first half of the term.

All other classes can be booked directly online. Booking will open before the start of each term.

When will I receive more information about my upcoming trial?

If you have received a trial invite from us, please get in touch via email to confirm your attendance so that we can send you all the information you will need before the arranged trial date.

What should the student wear for a trial class?

Students are not expected or required to wear the correct uniform for their first class, but we do ask that comfortable clothing suitable for dancing is worn, and that hair is tied up neatly.

Can parents watch trial classes?

No. Parents are not permitted to watch trial assessments.

How do I sign up for classes?

All applications and bookings are done via our website. Depending on which class you’re interested in, you can either complete an online application form to be added to our waiting list (grades 6-8, all vocational classes, pointe classes, Boys’ Ballet, and Discovering Repertoire) or book straight into your preferred class (all other classes).

I want to sign my child up for classes, but I don’t know what class or grade I should book.

If you’re not sure what class you should sign up for and want advice, please refer to our Age Guidelines and Class Descriptions on our website.

Our full range of children’s and adults’ classes are available to explore online.

The class I’d like to book isn’t showing up on the schedule.

If your preferred class is on our timetable, but doesn’t appear on the booking page, this means it is full, and we cannot take more bookings. Please check the timetable for alternative classes or try again the following term.

Can I be added to the waiting list for classes OTHER THAN grades 6-8, vocational classes, Boys’ Ballet, and Discovering Repertoire?

We don’t have a waiting list for any other classes, but if you’d like to be notified when booking opens next term, please let us know via email and we will add you to our mailing list. Bookings open on our website shortly before the start of each term. Join our mailing list to be among the first to know once it is open.

RAD alternative flourish