Special consideration
A ‘special consideration’ is a post-examination adjustment to the mark for a candidate who was prepared for and present at an exam, but who may have been disadvantaged by adverse circumstances that arose immediately before or at the time of the exam.
Special consideration cannot give the candidate an unfair advantage, nor must it cause misunderstanding about a candidate’s achievements. Exams and assessments are a measure of what a candidate can do at one moment in time and therefore, only minor adjustments can be made to the mark, to protect the integrity of the award.
Award decision
The decision to award special consideration will be based on a number of factors, which will vary for each application. The size of the allowance will depend on the timing, nature and extent of the circumstances. The maximum allowance will be five marks.
Applications for Special Consideration from parents/guardians or candidates must be submitted by the teacher.
Applications can be submitted from the closing date for entry and up to 5 working days following the exam. Where multiple candidates are affected, please complete one form and attach a list of candidates.
Forms should be submitted by email to exams customer services. Any accompanying information should be attached as a separate document.
Full details can be found in Reasonable adjustments and special considerations policy
- Download the Special Consideration Application Form.
- For more information please see the RAD Examinations Privacy Policy
- Please email the completed form and medical evidence as separate attachments to the Examinations Customer Service Manager.