
In our specifications, uniform is recommended for each grade, but where this is not possible, suitable alternatives may be worn.

Candidates are not assessed based on the uniform worn.

  • All uniform should be clean and well-fitting.
  • Jewellery should not be worn unless required for religious or cultural reasons.
  • Where used, makeup should be kept light and to a minimum.
  • Hair should be neat and tidy, styled off the face and neck so that the line of the head and neck is not obscured.

We want to ensure that candidates feel comfortable and secure in their examination. If you have any queries about uniform, or wish to talk about any adjustments, please do get in touch.

RAD Enterprises stocks a range of recommended exam uniforms.

RAD shop

Find approved uniform at the RAD shop.
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Further information on music in exams can be found in our Specifications (see Music), and CDs and sheet music can be purchased from RAD Enterprises.

Please note: for graded examinations, it is better if the teacher does not serve as the pianist or operate the CD player as this can be very distracting for the candidates.

In order to not distract the candidates, we suggest the following:

  • A screen should be placed between the performing space and the CD operator,
  • The CD operator should sit with their back towards the exam area, or facing away from the candidates, making no eye contact with the candidates,
  • Candidates should understand beforehand that the examiner will conduct the exam and even if their teacher is operating the CD player, their teacher will not assist at any point.

All vocational graded exams must be performed with a pianist, but the variations are performed to the orchestral tracks on the CD. The pianist must operate the CD player.

For music errata, please visit our Syllabus updates page.