Amanda Morgan
Trained at the RBS TTC (1979-1983) under Valerie Adams, and The London Studio Centre (1983) under Bridget Espinosa, I became a professional dancer gaining experience in theatre, film and TV.
I founded my own dance troupe travelling extensively in Europe, performing, and creating my own choreography, costumes and props until I married my Italian husband, settled in Italy and started a family. Here I founded my own dance school and taught modern/jazz and classical ballet to children and adults for 17 years (2001 – 2018).
I became interested in Silver Swans initially for my mum, now 86 yrs, believing it to be an excellent initiative for the over 55s. However, because there were not yet any local classes I decided to take part in the pilot scheme consequently becoming a Silver Swans Licensee in 2017. After a year teaching Silver Swans in Italy, I moved to the UK in Jan 2019. I started my own business as a Silver Swans teacher in Sussex where I was at last able to teach my mum myself!
I now teach in a variety of locations throughout the Brighton area and since the Covid outbreak, I offer my pre-recorded lessons online on a private, members-only Facebook group. I love teaching such an eager and enthusiastic group of wonderful ladies and gentleman who thoroughly enjoy my lessons and give me great inspiration every day.
Amanda Morgan Silver Swans Facebook page
From Cygnet to Silver Swan
My mum began ballet lessons in London in 1942 at the age of 8 until the war made it impossible for her to continue. Her teacher was Constance Gerrard who was under the direction of Molly Lake, one of the principal figures in the history of ballet in the UK and a contemporary of Dame Ninette de Valois.
My mum was finally able to return to her love of dance when I began my ballet lessons in January 2019 in the Sussex area and I became her Silver Swans teacher. This enabled her to finally make the transformation “from Cygnet to Silver Swan”.
Important disclaimer
As with any form of physical exercise, you are taking part at your own risk, and should only do those activities that you consider safe for your own body and the space in which you are working. It is important that you understand any existing conditions you may have that may preclude you from doing any of the suggested exercises presented. If in doubt, please consult a medical expert before participating. Please make sure you have read any instructions, carefully taking note of any advice on age appropriateness or any necessary prior experience.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a suitable and safe area, free of obstacles, in which to participate. We suggest an area of at least 3 metres by 3 metres. Make sure that the floor surface is suitable to work on and that you have footwear appropriate for that surface. If you are holding onto an object for balance, please make sure that is it extremely stable. As we are working remotely, we are unable to give personal feedback.