Becks White
I started Ballet at age 3 and my wonderful teacher Pam Charles took me through the grades with the RAD. With my love of dance in full swing, I yearned for more and at age 15 I started performing with Hereford Musical Theatre Company. Ten years later I turned a passionate hobby into my career, training and qualifying as a Dance, Fitness and Yoga teacher.
I founded The Starlight Company in 2011 – we provide a wide variety of regular dance-based fitness classes at a grassroots level in the community for children and adults from Zumba to Tap, BarreConcept to Fitsteps, Yoga to Musical Theatre as well as holiday workshops and Dance parties we also work with schools and colleges, teaching students dance and yoga in the school day or after school clubs.
I was on the pilot training for Silver Swans in 2018 and have been teaching since at Hereford Courtyard Theatre. I have a large group of dedicated swans who, just before lockdown in 2020 performed at the Herefordshire Performing Arts Festival – a very proud moment! I also teach Seated Ballet in residential care homes and I have continued to be “zoomed” in throughout the pandemic.
I have a live and on-demand online offering of a range of classes including Silver Swans and I also have a variety of free yoga, dance and fitness videos on my YouTube channel. It has been a challenging but hugely life-changing year in a good way; I have learnt a lot and feel more connected than ever to my much-valued and inspiring clients.
A lifetime highlight for me was dancing the Chachacha with Lionel Blair on the Strictly dance floor before the live Saturday night show – the dance was shown on “Strictly – It Takes Two”. I also appeared on Simon Mayo’s BBC Radio 2 Drive Time show advising on learning dance steps at home and I’m the Strictly Super Fan as well as Dance, Fitness and Wellbeing Adviser on the Andrew Easton Radio Show on BBC Hereford & Worcester.
I’m also kept very busy by my young daughters Elizabeth & Florence who love to dance too!
Contact details
Facebook: www.facebook/STARDANCERS
Twitter: @bexdances
Important disclaimer
As with any form of physical exercise, you are taking part at your own risk, and should only do those activities that you consider safe for your own body and the space in which you are working. It is important that you understand any existing conditions you may have that may preclude you from doing any of the suggested exercises presented. If in doubt, please consult a medical expert before participating. Please make sure you have read any instructions, carefully taking note of any advice on age appropriateness or any necessary prior experience.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a suitable and safe area, free of obstacles, in which to participate. We suggest an area of at least 3 metres by 3 metres. Make sure that the floor surface is suitable to work on and that you have footwear appropriate for that surface. If you are holding onto an object for balance, please make sure that is it extremely stable. As we are working remotely, we are unable to give personal feedback.