People Silver Swans Licensee Fiona Fretwell

Fiona Fretwell

I have been teaching Silver Swan classes since September 2018 in various locations in Norfolk, UK. I love teaching Silver Swans, the participants feel so many benefits from ballet both physically and in their wellbeing. They are all very enthusiastic and keen to learn and practice too, it’s such a pleasure to teach them all.

I started teaching online classes due to the pandemic in June 2020, I teach live classes on Zoom and also offer a pre-recorded class. Although it’s not quite the same as being with everyone in person I have adapted to teaching online and what’s more important is my participants have adapted too. Many of them enjoy taking part online to keep up their ballet practice, many have said the classes are both uplifting and calming, and they enjoy the hour to forget everything else and just dance. As well as weekly classes, I have taught workshops online with a focus on learning some choreography. Many participants miss the social side of classes so we also have occasional coffee and chat meetups on Zoom too. With online classes accessible from anywhere it’s been great to welcome new participants too.

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Important disclaimer

As with any form of physical exercise, you are taking part at your own risk, and should only do those activities that you consider safe for your own body and the space in which you are working. It is important that you understand any existing conditions you may have that may preclude you from doing any of the suggested exercises presented. If in doubt, please consult a medical expert before participating. Please make sure you have read any instructions, carefully taking note of any advice on age appropriateness or any necessary prior experience.

It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a suitable and safe area, free of obstacles, in which to participate. We suggest an area of at least 3 metres by 3 metres. Make sure that the floor surface is suitable to work on and that you have footwear appropriate for that surface. If you are holding onto an object for balance, please make sure that is it extremely stable. As we are working remotely, we are unable to give personal feedback.