Samantha Jennings
Samantha is currently based in Wiltshire, although as an internationally awarded dance lecturer and choreographer, she has travelled, worked and lived in Europe.
Samantha grew up in St Albans and trained under RBS mother Dallas North, nee Gisbourne. She later won a county award to train at Stella Mann school in London.
She has taught ballet and all forms of dance to children and adults extensively here in the UK and abroad for over 20 years. During this time she was a mentor on the BADE scheme for the RAD. She directed micro-business Beaus & Belles which provided wedding first dance lessons, corporate dance events, dance parties and 1-2-1 tuition to a UK wide public gaining a national award in 2008 with Brides/Wedgewood. She appeared on Channel 5, The Boss is Coming to Dinner, with renowned dance employer, Mark Summers as a finalist for the dance agency.
Between 2013 and 2017, she was co-director of Sozo Arts with Kit Jennings in Portugal. Samantha and Kit offered creative experiences by the sea in Portugal, photography, dance, art and creative writing holidays. Samantha has created three urban street ballet films for outstanding dance professionals Sadie Black, Bridget Coulthurst and Chang Chung Hung which are published on her youtube dance channel, Samantha Dance Professional, (2013 to 2017, Lisbon.)
She is currently licensed as an RAD Silver Swan licensee specializing in older learners adapted ballet classes in Calne. In addition, Samantha is studying on the MSc in mental health and wellbeing in education. She currently teaches fs online classes as well as running virtually a ‘Silver Swans Sanctuary’ which is a voluntary support group for Silver Swan Licensees globally.
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Important disclaimer
As with any form of physical exercise, you are taking part at your own risk, and should only do those activities that you consider safe for your own body and the space in which you are working. It is important that you understand any existing conditions you may have that may preclude you from doing any of the suggested exercises presented. If in doubt, please consult a medical expert before participating. Please make sure you have read any instructions, carefully taking note of any advice on age appropriateness or any necessary prior experience.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a suitable and safe area, free of obstacles, in which to participate. We suggest an area of at least 3 metres by 3 metres. Make sure that the floor surface is suitable to work on and that you have footwear appropriate for that surface. If you are holding onto an object for balance, please make sure that is it extremely stable. As we are working remotely, we are unable to give personal feedback.