Global Job Board Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Global Jobs & For Sale Board is the Royal Academy of Dance’s (RAD) online listing that advertises around the globe:
- Dance-related job vacancies
- Job Seekers*
- Studio & Schools for Hire & Sale
- Dance Items for Sale
Advertising is free and provides direct access to your ideal target audience; RAD members actively seeking employment and dance-related items. RAD members can access it via our exclusive Members’ Area.
Submitting entries
- Entries submitted to the Global Jobs & For Sale Board will be published within 14 days
- Adverts remain in the Global Jobs & For Sale Board for two months or until the closing date (if specified)
- The maximum word count is 150 words
Please note that the RAD is committed to promoting equal opportunities and diversity and as such will not accept adverts that could be construed as discriminatory on the grounds of gender, race or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, age, religion/belief and/or sexual orientation. As an equal opportunities employer, we will be happy to provide guidance on the appropriate wording for your advert. The RAD reserves the right to make amendments to an advert as we feel appropriate and also reserves the right to refuse to place an advertisement or remove a vacancy from our site.
Adverts are provided by job seekers, prospective employers and their agents and the Royal Academy of Dance accepts no responsibility or liability for the performance of the job seekers, the accuracy of the contents of advertisements or the terms and conditions of employment offered by prospective employers and their agents. Job seekers, prospective employers and their agents are expected to carry out their own verification and research when seeking, accepting and offering employment. The RAD accepts no responsibility or liability for the quality or accuracy of the items for sale and hire: Studios & Schools or Dance Items. Items are used at your own risk. Please read the details of the advertisement carefully before applying to ensure your eligibility.
The Global Jobs & For Sale Board is accessed via our exclusive password-protected Members’ Area. The RAD cannot regulate whether access is passed to non-members by our members and therefore we take no responsibility for unsolicited responses. The RAD cannot be held responsible for the quality, accuracy and conduct of any applicants.
*Only available to those who hold RAD RTS.