Dance for Lifelong Wellbeing
The Royal Academy of Dance’s commitment to lifelong learning and to providing high quality, workplace relevant CPD came together in an innovative project initially began in 2012 and supported by a grant from the Community Learning Innovation Fund (CLIF).
The initial project provided opportunities for older adults, who would not normally get an opportunity to dance, to participate in appropriately tailored classes. The Royal Academy of Dance believes that dance is not just for children and young adults and that people of all ages can enjoy, and benefit from, participation in this art form. Our oldest learner on the Dance for Lifelong Wellbeing (DfLW) project was 102. Dance can form a part of lifelong learning, from infancy through to very old age.
Alongside the provision of lifelong learning for seniors and CPD for dance teachers, this research project explored the benefits of dance for older learners and to prepare guidance on best practice for dance teachers. The outcomes of this research were shared in the Dance for Lifelong Wellbeing Report, written by Dr Victoria Watts (2013) and in the DFLW Conference (April 2013).
If you are a teacher interested in developing your knowledge and skills for teaching adults and older learners, you may be interested in the CPD Professional Award in Adult Dance Practice or access the learning and teaching Resources (Phase 2). A direct response to our research has been the creation of the Silver Swans programme.